Our Process

Hirenomics Full-Time Search Process

2-5 days during which Hirenomics is strategically gathering a minimum of 200 new potential candidate prospects and, Centers of Influence (COI’s) within our networks and other industry leaders. Additional research is conducted throughout the search until its completion.

Call candidates, Centers of Influence, and related network affiliates.

Search Status Update
Hirenomics will facilitate a call with client leaders to provide a full update on the search to include market and compensation intelligence, search activity numbers and the names of qualified candidates who have expressed initial interest.

Present Candidates
Client can expect a resume, a completed customized questionnaire from each candidate and a scorecard comparing each candidate’s specific metrics gathered during the search intake.  We also share non-tangibles about each candidate, i.e., “what’s not on paper.”

Client selects top candidates for interviews.  Ideally all interviews take place during a tight timeframe so client leaders can easily compare and contrast candidates.

Due Diligence
Hirenomics will gather direct and indirect references on finalists, conducts background checks and drug screens and finalizes any other assessments client requests.

Offer Letter & Start Date
Even though the end of the process may be near, Hirenomics will continue to unearth and present candidates until an offer is accepted.


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